
What If Conference Recap

February 2, 2012

I was going to ask Chris to write this post, recapping our time at the What If conference. After all, I told him all along this was his thing. I knew he was meant to be there, and I wanted to support him. I didn’t expect to go, but through a crazy chain of events and blessings, I ended up there. And I expected to go and learn some cool things and hang out with some cool people, and hey, it was in Mexico, so it couldn’t be all bad, right?

What I didn’t expect was to go and have my whole world opened up. To find the inspiration to act on our dreams, and to even start having a dream. To get out of my own head and my own way. And maybe more than anything, to come in contact with 43 other like minded individuals who are amazing and beautiful dreamers who get where we are and where we’re going, and who I know will support us no matter what (just as we will support them!). I didn’t expect to go to this conference, and come home more in love with my husband. Seeing his confidence grow and his true personality come out, and hear him get excited about projects he wants to work on was so inspiring.

I didn’t expect any of it, but holy cow, I am so thankful for every single bit of it! I am so thankful to Jen & Steve Bebb for following their “What If…” to put on this conference, and for supporting artist-preneurs. And for the other innovators: Chris & Sarah Rhoads, Jesh de Rox, Dan O’Day, Whitney & Jesse Chamberlain, and Justin Lyon, for being an inspiration not just through words, but through their actions and the way they live their life. The honesty, humility, and authenticity of everyone there was so refreshing. And amazing…a word I keep using over and over, but hey, it’s true 😉

And besides all that mushy stuff ;-), we just had a dang good time! We talked and we hung out and we ate and we laughed and we talked some more. Chris and I are really kicking each other for not taking more pictures while we were there (realized as I was prepping these images that we don’t have any of us with other people! Boo!), but we just wanted to share a little bit of the crazy with you all!

Ok some of these are blurry. But that’s another thing I learned…it doesn’t always have to be perfect 🙂 Sometimes, it’s just about the moment and the memory, even if the technical is not always there. And it was freaking dark, ok? 😉

That’s all for today, folks 🙂 Check out the What If Conference website, I’m pretty sure there will be info announced about future What If’s very soon! And I know we will be doing everything possible to be there 🙂

Off to chase some “What if’s”….


  1. Jenn Stark says:

    Amazing you guys!! So happy to have met you, hope our paths cross again soon : )

  2. […] Creeds fit in perfectly and are, without a doubt, WHAT IF-ers to the core. Don’t forget to visit their site and give them some blog love and see their photographs from WHAT […]

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At home in nature. Ever-focused on exploring the light and joy in the in-between; found in the grounding moments that are a touch point of "you are here" in this journey of life. 

17 years of documenting weddings has taught me that a wedding day is so much more than just what it looks like. It's what it feels like. It's having the people who mean so much to you in one place. The intermingling of a life well lived, and the celebration of the next phase of your journey. It's my goal to create an impeccable experience for you, so that together we can create the stunning, heart-felt images that will support your memories for a life time to come.

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