
Changes are Coming! | Nashville Wedding Photographers

May 12, 2010


For weeks I have been SO excited and so on edge about sharing this news, and waiting for when it would officially be true πŸ™‚ Now that it is…I’m not even sure where to start! So I guess I’ll “Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”

Ever since Chris and I were married, we knew that when Chris graduated, we would be moving away from Bowling Green. We just didn’t know where. In the past year or so we have thrown around all kinds of ideas (and prayedΒ  a TON!)…from Charleston to Lexington to St. Louis and more. Enter our fabulous friends in Nashville. We began traveling to Nashville once a month for SMUG meetings, and have just been completely blown away by how encouraging and wonderful the wedding community is. We’ve made amazing friends with photographers, planners, etc. Not to mention, Nashville is such an amazing city!

After one SMUG meeting, I found myself eating dinner across from Jonathan Campbell and next to Kristen Steele. I mentioned how Nashville was one of the places we had thought about moving, and they were super encouraging and pretty much talked me into it then and there! Added to the conversation I had had earlier in the day with some other fabulous friends (and photographers), I was sure that Nashville was where we needed to be πŸ™‚ (Chris, luckily, was in agreement haha).

Skipping all the boring and stressful things that came between then and now….we have put a deposit down an apartment, and will officially be residents of Nashville by mid-June! Chris is graduating from WKU this Saturday (I am SO PROUD OF HIM!!!), then it’s just a few weeks for packing and vacation, then we will be in Nashville. It doesn’t even seem real yet! But we are so excited!! I am so thankful for everyone who has helped us and given suggestions while we planned our relocation…you all are awesome πŸ™‚

We can’t wait to build even better friendships with the friends we already have down there, make new friends, be a part of such an amazing community, and live in a new city! Not to mention, I am SUPER excited about the fabulous brides we will (hopefully!) be meeting! Bowling Green has been great, and we will miss our wonderful friends here. It’s also been a great little city for my business, and I know I wouldn’t be where I am today without it πŸ™‚ But changes are comin’….and we will see you in Music City!

And, because no post is complete without a picture…I leave you with this picture from late 2005. Me and Chris, playing Apples to Apples in the dorm lobby of Barnes Campbell Hall. We barely knew each other here…and didn’t start dating until late 2006. Let’s just say it’s funny how God works….and I couldn’t be more thrilled!

*On a separate note, we have been so heart broken watching all the news of the flooding in Nashville, and watching our family and friends pick back up their lives. We were able to go down one day and help my cousin, but haven’t been able to do much from afar πŸ™ Many thanks to everyone who has been able to help and donate to flood relief, and keeping us updated with pictures and Twitter and such!

  1. K. Crafton says:

    Ahhhhhh! Can’t wait to have you here!!!

  2. Latrice - OC says:

    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk I am soooooo excited for you both!! *insert happy dance*

  3. Latrice - OC says:

    Oh by the way…loved the photo of your guys from Barnes! I was a “valley girl” Gilbert Hall represent!!!

  4. Courtney W says:

    Hey! Congrats… and I was there when that picture was taken… Did I take that picture???

  5. brittney says:

    YAAAAAAAAY! I am SO excited for you! πŸ˜€ And I ADORE that picture of you two, by the way!

  6. Katie Corbin says:

    What, no photo credit? Haha, love you guys – so glad you’ve found something! This means a lunch date soon for even more details and celebration! Hooray!

  7. congrats jenny and greatest luck! Let me know if you need any help moving or directions to the best coffee shops πŸ˜€

  8. love the story behind the picture! congrats to you guys, i know you’ll have much success (AND FUN) in nashville! i wish we could have met before you left, but maybe one day while i’m in TN πŸ™‚

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At home in nature. Ever-focused on exploring the light and joy in the in-between; found in the grounding moments that are a touch point of "you are here" in this journey of life. 

16 years of documenting weddings has taught me that a wedding day is so much more than just what it looks like. It's what it feels like. It's having the people who mean so much to you in one place. The intermingling of a life well lived, and the celebration of the next phase of your journey. It's my goal to create an impeccable experience for you, so that together we can create the stunning, heart-felt images that will support your memories for a life time to come.

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